četrtek, 24. julij 2014

~Projekt št. 6 / Project Nr. 6 ~ *MooN*

Želela sem ustvariti nekaj drugačnega... In mislim, da mi je uspelo. Prvič sem uporabila pištolo na vroči zrak in se poigrala s Kato liquid ter Rangerjevimi alkoholnimi inki.... Poleg teh prstanov, jih je nastalo še nekaj, bolj mističnih, tiste predstavim drugič. / I want to create something different... And I think I make it! I used hot gun for the first time and have some time playing wiht Kato liquid and Ranger alcohol inks... With this colection I have also created more finger rings, more mistic, but I will write about them next time.

Vsak prstan je unikaten in nikoli, prav nikoli mi ne bo uspelo narediti istega in ravno to je čar te kolekcije. Lahko uporabim iste barve, pa bodo prstani vedno drugačni! Unikatni, kot morajo biti. / Each ring is unique and never ever will I be able to create the same one and this is the point of this colection. I can use the same colours, but I will get different results! Unique, as it must be! 

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